Registered Voters
In general, thinking about the way things are going in New York State, do you feel things are going in the right direction or that things are going in the wrong direction?
Right direction Wrong direction Unsure
Row % Row % Row %
Registered Voters 22% 72% 6%
Party Registration Democrat 28% 64% 8%
Republican 12% 84% 3%
Non-enrolled 20% 75% 5%
Political Ideology Liberal 29% 63% 7%
Moderate 18% 77% 5%
Conservative 17% 78% 5%
Region New York City 37% 55% 8%
Suburbs 21% 76% 3%
Upstate 13% 81% 6%
Income Less $50,000 28% 62% 11%
$50,000-$99,999 18% 79% 2%
$100,000 or more 25% 73% 2%
Income Less than $50,000 28% 62% 11%
$50,000 or more 21% 77% 2%
Race White 18% 77% 5%
Non White 41% 49% 10%
Age 18 to 29 41% 47% 12%
30 to 44 21% 78% 2%
45 to 59 20% 76% 3%
60 or older 17% 74% 10%
Age Under 45 27% 68% 5%
45 or older 19% 75% 6%
Gender Men 21% 76% 4%
Women 23% 69% 8%
May 2010 Marist Poll New York Registered Voters "N=686 MOE +/- 4%". Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.